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Sorry, we do not propose an authentication service for our creations by e-mail or telephone.
If your piece was purchased from our network of boutiques, Boucheron Client Service (remote sales) or our e-commerce website, a certificate of authenticity with an engraving number will be provided.
In any case, only an invoice from one of our boutiques or authorized retailers can guarantee the authenticity of a piece.
Our experts (in-store sales representatives and Boucheron Client Service) are available to provide you with all the recommendations you’ll need to keep your piece beautiful. You may also consult the “Savoir-faire & care advice” page.
Our experts (in-store sales representatives and Boucheron Client Service) are available to provide you with all the recommendations you’ll need to keep your piece beautiful. You may also consult the “Savoir-faire & care advice” page of our website.
We invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service via Live Chat, by telephone or by e-mail.
We invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service via Live Chat, by telephone or by e-mail.
We invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service via our Live Chat, by telephone or by e-mail.
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We remain at your disposal to answer any questions.
Please be informed that our client advisors will communicate with you in English exclusively.
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