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If you are logged in, you can directly check the status of your order on section “My orders” of your client account .
If you performed a Guest Checkout without an account, you can follow your order here.
With our remote sales service, you may place your order by telephone.
Your local Boucheron Client Service will confirm whether this service is available in your country.
Each timepiece comes with a two-year international warranty. Each jewelry piece also comes with a two-year warranty. Every creation featuring a diamond over 0.20 carats comes with a certificate of authenticity and a GIA certificate.
The boutique that appears on your certificate of authenticity is our boutique in New York: 747 Madison Avenue.
If you have not received the confirmation of your order, we invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service via our Live Chat, by telephone or by e-mail.
We accept credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners, JCB, Discover, UnionPay) , Paypal, and Apple Pay.
To learn more about the secure payment methods available on our e-commerce websites, we invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service.
The price shown for each piece online includes shipping and handling.
To guarantee a safe and secure shopping experience, all online orders and payment transactions are handled through a secured platform with our partner Adyen.
We recommend that you verify the operation with your bank, and then contact Boucheron Client Service.
Sorry, once your order is confirmed, it is impossible to modify the payment method or delivery method that you have chosen. We invite you to contact our Boucheron Client Service for guidance.
We automatically send your invoice by e-mail once your order is delivered. If you are unable to find it, we invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service.
Sorry, we do not propose that option.
We invite you to contact Boucheron Client Service via our Live Chat, by telephone or by e-mail.
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